The scientific journal Scandinavian Psychologist is hosted by, a popular psychology website in the five Nordic countries in Europe.
Scandinavian Psychologist is currently closed for new scientific submissions. Please check our website for updates.
Authors should confer with the following guidelines (as well as our general aims and scope) before submitting scientific work, as our guidelines may change over time.
By submitting an article you pledge that you have followed standard international ethical guidelines and that the manuscript is your own original work, and does not duplicate any other previously published work, including your own previously published work.
All scientific articles must adhere to the APA guidelines. Research articles must be written in accordance with the APA reporting standards for qualitative research or quantitative research.
Manuscripts should be submitted by email to The subject line should be “Scientific submission”, and the manuscript should be enclosed as a Microsoft Word file. The file name should be the first author’s surname (for example, “Hansen.docx”). Tables and figures must be included at the end of the Word file.
In the body of the email, please provide the title of the work, the authors, the abstract, and the total length of the manuscript (total number of characters including spaces, tables, and references). A typical manuscript will not exceed 40,000 characters (including spaces, tables, and references), but longer works are considered.
We recommend that the reference list is created by Endnote or similar bibliographical software, to ensure that the reference list is complete, and that all references in the text are linked to the reference list. Always include all available DOI codes in the reference list. DOI codes can be accessed by copying and pasting the entire reference list at
Please state in your email whether you are submitting a complete, original, and copy-edited work that follows our guidelines, the APA guidelines and general ethical standards. Finally, include a list of three to five appropriate reviewers with no conflict of interest. You are also welcome to add a list of non-preferred reviewers (preferably with a short explanation).
If you are submitting a revision of a previously reviewed manuscript, please provide a cover letter that explains your response to our original feedback and point out your key changes to the manuscript.
It may be advisable to copy each of the reviewers’ comments into your response letter, and then state after each comment how you addressed the issue. If you have elected not to make changes in response to a particular criticism or suggestion, please explain why. Bear in mind that the reviewers will probably read this letter.
The review process
To be accepted for peer review, the manuscript must be of high overall quality, well written, and timely. The editorial team will evaluate the manuscript and you should expect a first (usually short) response within two weeks; if the manuscript is accepted for peer review, you should expect a second and more detailed response within three months.
We generally conduct a single blind review process, which means that the author names are revealed (“unmasked”) to the reviewers. The reviewers remain anonymous but shall consider whether they can evaluate the manuscript in an impartial manner. The submitted material remains confidential while under review.
If it is deemed that a manuscript may be in breach of ethical research and publication standards, the journal will ask the authors for an explanation and may also consider steps like rejecting the article, publishing a withdrawal, as well as alerting the institutions where the work was conducted, the National Commission for the Investigation of Research Misconduct in Norway, and other relevant bodies.
On our part, Scandinavian Psychologist strives to adhere to the code of conduct and best practice guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The publication process
Scientific articles are published in an ongoing manner, as they are accepted and ready. We typically publish two scientific articles per month. To generate additional interest in your work, we equip scientific articles with their own news article in
Following acceptance of your paper a member of our editorial team will contact you regarding the final copyedit and proofreading before publication. Please note that our copyeditors edit accepted articles – often extensively – so that they will be clear and accessible to all readers of Scandinavian Psychologist. AS · Elisenbergveien 20 · N‑0265 Oslo · Norway
Norwegian organization number: 912 389 782