Mentalization-based treatment for female patients with comorbid personality disorder and substance use disorder: A pilot study
The relationship between sensory processing sensitivity and psychological distress: A model of underpinning mechanisms and an analysis of therapeutic possibilities
Daily uplifts and coping as a buffer against everyday hassles: Relationship with stress reactions over time in military personnel
Do heterosexual couples with children benefit equally from relationship education programs despite various backgrounds? Effects of a Danish version of the Prevention and Relationship Education Program (PREP)
«Jeg forstår henne bedre nå» – En kvalitativ studie av foreldres opplevelse av relasjonen til egne barn etter emosjonsfokusert foreldreveiledning
Social support and complicated grief: A longitudinal study on bereaved parents after the Utøya terror attack in Norway
A pilot study of a low-threshold, low-intensity cognitive behavioral intervention for traumatized adolescents
Dressur eller humanisme? En gjennomgang av «De Utrolige Årene» – et program for forebygging og behandling av atferdsvansker hos barn